The first model came out alongside iOS 9.1 and the first-generation iPad Pro in 2015, and you have to charge it via the iPad's Lightning port. What you can do on your iPad using an Apple Pencil varies on the Apple Pencil model you have. And there's a lot you can do with it - some of which you may not have noticed yet. It's a powerful writing and drawing tool with an intuitive design and user-friendliness that makes it easy to take notes, draw sketches, mark up documents, and more. Notes need a scroll bar, if there is a longer amount of text.While it doesn't come with any iPad models out of the box, the Apple Pencil is perhaps the best iPad accessory you can get. You would have to open the note, click the “Aa” icon, tap into the note and use the arrow keys to see more. If you add more typed text than fits in the square space of the note, it doesn’t show up (i.e., the note doesn’t “auto-show” the extra text.

If there are any, I’ll come back and edit. UNDO works using my external keyboard!!! Cmd+Z - yeah! (So many force you to only use the eraser to remove unwanted scribbles) - I’m in heaven with this app so far!.I don’t need those myself, but I’m tempted to upgrade just to thank the dev for making this! (Will do some more testing first. Upgrade if you want photos as your background. (Oh, golly, can’t say enough on how thrilled I am with that alone - not having to be forced into the limited and garish color choices in other apps).